
Frequently Asked Questions

have questions? We're here to help you

Can I move my booking to a future date?

Yes, we can certainly move your booking to a future date. Please let us know the new dates you have in mind, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Can I give my reservation to someone else?

Yes, you can give your reservation to someone else, but you need to inform us in advance. Please let us know the name and contact details of the person who will be taking over the reservation.

How can I get help with an existing reservation?

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You can change your booking at any time

Contact the hotel directly: You can call the hotel's reservations department or front desk and ask for assistance with your reservation. Be sure to have your reservation details handy, such as your reservation number and the dates of your stay..

How can I cancel my hotel booking?

Check the hotel's cancellation policy: Review the cancellation policy of your reservation, which should be included in your confirmation email or on the hotel's website. Make sure you are aware of any fees or deadlines for cancellations.

How can I cancel or postpone a reservation I made through BOOKING.COM?

If you made a reservation through BOOKING.COM and need to cancel or postpone it, here are the general steps you can follow: Log in to your BOOKING.COM account: Log in to your account on the BOOKING.COM website or app using your username and password. Find your reservation: Locate the reservation you want to cancel or postpone on your account dashboard. You can also find it in the confirmation email you received from BOOKING.COM. Review the cancellation or postponement policy: Review the cancellation or postponement policy for your reservation, which should be included in your confirmation email or on the BOOKING.COM website. Make sure you are aware of any fees or deadlines for cancellations or postponements. Click "Cancel" or "Postpone": Click the "Cancel" or "Postpone" button next to your reservation to initiate the process. Follow the prompts: Follow the prompts on the screen to confirm your cancellation or postponement request. If you are canceling, you may need to provide a reason for the cancellation. Receive confirmation: You should receive a confirmation email from BOOKING.COM once your cancellation or postponement request has been processed. Make sure to keep a record of this confirmation for your records. If you have any trouble canceling or postponing your reservation through BOOKING.COM, you can contact their customer service team for assistance. The contact information should be available on their website or app. Be sure to have your reservation details handy when contacting them.

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